
Lisa O'Loughlin, Principal and CEO at Nelson & Colne College Group has been appointed to a new panel to review curriculum and assessment for the Labour government.

Launching the review, the government said it "will look closely at the key callenges to attainment for young people, and the barriers which hold children back from the opportunities and life chances they deserve - in particular those who are socioeconomically disadvantaged, or with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND)."

The 12-member panel will be chaired by Professor Becky Francis, chair of the Education Endowment Foundation and include one other college principal, academy trust chief executives, University vice chancellor, alongside experts in SEND, exams, inclusivity, and qualifications.

Speaking about the work of the panel Prof. Francis explained that the review would "engage and consult with crucial stakeholder groups... And we will work closely with employers to ensure that children and young people leave education ready for life and work."

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