
A new report has been published highlighting the response from providers to the priorities raised in the Lancashire Local Skills Improvement Plan (LSIP).

The LSIP, published in May 2023, was the result of extensive consultation with employers and featured a thorough overview of the key occupations and skills gaps in priority sectors in Lancashire. Led by the North & Western Lancashire Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with the East Lancashire Chamber of Commerce, the LSIP has helped inform decisions being made about new provision across the county.

The first Progress Report of the Lancashire LSIP provides a snapshot of how skills providers are working to address the needs of employers with new courses, increased learner numbers and investment in facilities. Much of this activity has been supported by the Local Skills Improvement Fund (LSIF) which is in place to respond directly to the LSIP. The report also details other activity such as Skills Bootcamps, UK Shared Prosperity Fund projects, the Lancashire & Cumbria Institute of Technology, and Work Ready Lancashire, a collaboration between the Chamber, the Careers Hub and the Skills & Employment Hub.

Geoff Mason, LSIP Project Lead at NWL Chamber said, "In just a year since the publication of the LSIP there hs already been significant progress in addressing the gaps highlighted by employers. Lancashire's FE Colleges and independent training providers have already introduced new provision and have more planned to tackle the key gaps. We've also seen a clear alignment in the latest wave of Skills Bootcamps and the intention to keep that link to LSIP priorities in planning for next year's proposed wave.

"The next phase of activitiy is to ensure employers are abel to take full advantage of new provision through raising awareness of what's available and how best to build a talent pipeline through engagement with education and skills providers. It is crucial that we continue to further develop the collaborative work that is underway between employers, providers and local stakeholders."

Minsiter for Skills, The Rt Hon Baroness Smith of Malvern said, " I welcome the publication of the Local Skills Improvement Plan Progress Report for Lancashire. The reports set out progress made on meeting the skills needs of local employers. As well as being a valuable source of information for local skills deliverers, employers and stakeholders, the report along with the LSIPs themselves, will provide important intelligence for the newly established Skills England."


Read the Progress Report.


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In partnership with

Lancashire Local Skills Improvement Plan
North & Western Lancashire Chamber of Commerce
East Lancashire Chamber of Commerce
Department for Education

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