
Collaboration between employers and providers was highlighted as essential to the delivery of priorities featured in the Lancashire Local Skills Improvement Plan (LSIP).

The creation of new business clusters was a key part of the LSIP roadmap and the pilot clusters have now all launched. The first meetings of each cluster have taken place during December and January and have been a tremendous success with good particpation from employers, providers, trade bodies, and other relevant stakeholders.

With the next meetings being planned there businesses can still get involved in the pilot clusters which are:

Manufacturing - a clsuter covering all manufacturing across lancashire from sub-sector cluster and groups to work on particular themes can be drawn

Green Skills in Construcion & Associated Trades - supporting the development of new provision for green skills and retrofit through the Local Skills Improvement Fund (LSIF)

Catering & Hospitality - support an LSIF project to provide skills needed in the sector including improving sustainability

New clusters will be introduced over the coming months and you can have your input on what clusters you would like to see.

To register your interest in any of the existing clusters or to have your say in the next clusters click here.


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In partnership with

Lancashire Local Skills Improvement Plan
North & Western Lancashire Chamber of Commerce
East Lancashire Chamber of Commerce
Department for Education

To stay connected with the Lancashire skills agenda - download the free LSIP App today!
